The Wander Bugs

We are a couple with uncontrollable wanderlust who are working towards financial independence in order to travel the world full-time.


Life Update

It has been a hot minute since we did a life update and boy have there been a lot of changes.

How Do You Afford To Travel?

You don’t have to be a millionaire or earn six figures to travel the world.
Read how we afford to travel.

Finance Friday: Fighting the Debt Monster – Part One

Finance Friday: Fighting the Debt Monster – Part One

*This is Part One of a multi-part series on how we eliminated our debt. I want to start with a little background about Mr. Bug and me. We were not always as diligent with our money as we are now. We made a lot of mistakes throughout our 20s which led to us having a...

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Aarhus, Denmark- An Unexpected European Favorite

Aarhus, Denmark- An Unexpected European Favorite

Denmark is known as the happiest country in the world and I can certainly understand why after our visit. The Danes strive for what’s called hygge (sounds like hooga), the rough translation means “coziness” but it is so much more than that. In essence, hygge means...

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48 Hours in Amsterdam

48 Hours in Amsterdam

Mr. Bug and I decided to take a weekend layover in Amsterdam on our way to Denmark for a work trip. After much in-depth research, we decided to purchase the Holland Pass prior to travel rather than the Amsterdam Card. The Holland Pass was a better deal in comparison...

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How Do You Afford to Travel!?

How Do You Afford to Travel!?

The #1 question we get asked all the time is “Where are you traveling to next?”  Everyone who knows us is well aware of our wanderlust. Then the follow up question is “How do you afford to travel so much?!”  Friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances; they all ask me...

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